
Volunteer Overview

The Nebraska Golf Association (NebGolf) is a membership-based, nonprofit organization that promotes the game of golf. The NebGolf Volunteer Program is designed to assist NebGolf in delivering the highest quality service to our members and member clubs throughout Nebraska. NebGolf volunteers graciously donate their time and experience to the Association for the love of golf. They believe in promoting and preserving the true spirit of the game.


Why Should I Sign Up?

NebGolf administers over 50 days of competition each year. Whether it's the starter on the first tee, the official in the scoring tent or the host at the registration table, every organized championship needs great volunteers. It takes a special individual to continually volunteer their time, knowledge and experience. NebGolf volunteers put in early mornings and long afternoons on and off the golf course fulfilling their duties with accuracy and satisfaction.

How to Become a NebGolf Tournament Volunteer or Rules Official

The only requirements to become a NebGolf championship volunteer or rules official are NebGolf membership, purchase of the NebGolf volunteer apparel package (details below) and a desire to give back to the game.

If interested please complete the following steps:

Step #1: Registration
Click on the "register here" link below, complete the Volunteer Profile Registration Form and submit it to NebGolf.


If you want to register to become a volunteer and have problems with the above link, contact our NebGolf Volunteer Coordinator, Gary Austin, at gary.austin02@gmail.com.

Step #2: Event Sign-Up
Once you have been accepted as a NebGolf Volunteer, simply determine which events interest you, then click on the "Event Sign-Up" button below to see what's available. There you'll find a list of events and available volunteer spots. More detailed information will be provided when you arrive for your first assignment. Select an event that fits your schedule, submit your request and you'll be added to the assignment sheet.

Click the button below to see the schedule of volunteer opportunities

Event Sign-Up


NebGolf Volunteer Apparel Package (Required)
Tournament volunteers are required to purchase NebGolf's volunteer apparel package. The package consists of a Bobby Jones golf shirt and an Imperial cap, both with the NebGolf logo. It's essential that NebGolf tournament volunteers be identifiable at NebGolf competitions. The volunteer apparel package may be purchased for a one-time deal of $50 by contacting Gary Austin at gary.austin02@gmail.com.

The official uniform for Staff, Rules Officials, Starters and Official Scorers is a white shirt with the NebGolf logo, navy slacks, NebGolf-approved headgear and a NebGolf identification badge. Navy shorts or skirts, in addition to slacks, are approved for female volunteers. This uniformity makes the NebGolf Staff and volunteers more recognizable at events.

Optional Volunteer Apparel
As optional parts of the official NebGolf Staff/Rules Official uniform, several Bobby Jones and Sunice clothing items with the NebGolf logo are available for purchase or by trading volunteer days.

Volunteer Rewards Program
The Rewards Program enables volunteers to build credit towards free items based on the number of full days worked. The NebGolf Volunteer Coordinator maintains a spreadsheet to track the number of days each volunteer works. A volunteer may redeem their accumulated credit when desired to receive any reward items. Credit does not expire so it may be carried over from year-to-year. Volunteers will be provided with a catalog of reward items at select times throughout the year to make purchase or trade in their volunteer days.